Orientation Workshop on Preparation to Restructure FNN

February 23-26, 2010
With organizing assistances and funding support from CEDAC, the Farmer and Nature Net (FNN) and rural young agro-entrepreneurs (YAE) successfully conducted four introductory workshops on the preparation to restructure FNN in 2010 from February 23–26, 2010. The four workshops were done in Bati and Samrong districts (Takeo province) and in Kong Pisey and Boseth districts (Kampong Speu province), where 91 participants (whom 18 were females) attended. Among them were included farmer leaders of associations/clusters, young farmer community leaders, CEDAC staff and FNN representatives. Mr. Pan Sopheap, FNN Director, and Mr. Uon Sophal, FNN president, were co-facilitators and resource persons of the workshops. Main objective of the workshops aimed to introduce a long term strategic plan of FNN in preparation to establish its district networks.

Orientation-Workshop-on-Preparation-to-Restructure-FNN.pdf (253 downloads)

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