National Consultation Workshop on Promoting Family Farmers and Young Farmers in the context of Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change
|Farmer and Nature Net Association (FNN) is a member of Asia Farmer Association for Sustainable Development (AFA). FNN with fund support from International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) and European Union (EU) through AFA facilitated the relevant organizations especially with Council for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) to co-organize a national consultation and follow through to promote the agenda of family farmers, especially young farmers, to mitigate and adapt to climate change, in the context of UNFCCC and Post-COP27/Pre-COP28 processes workshop on April 12, 2023.
The workshop aims to provide a platform for FFPOs and NYFCs to synergize with their governments on discussions on climate actions, share the initiatives, programs and policy calls of FFPOs and NYFCs that aim to mitigate and/or adapt to climate change, follow through on the agenda, commitment and actions taken by their governments in relation to COP27 commitments, and identify entry-points in the policy processes in which FFPOs and NYFC representatives can be engaged, especially in influencing the agenda and key message in relation to UNFCCC COP.
National Consultation Workshop Report