FNN provincial network meeting to strengthen the district structure

June 29, 2010, FNN and CEDAC, under the support of the Civil Society and Pro-Poor Market (CSPPM) project, organized a district network meeting at Dantung district, Kampot province. There were 30 farmer representatives (9 women) and 6 FNN field assistants from 7 districts who participated in this meeting. Dr. Yang Saing Koma, president of CEDAC, and Mr. Ourn Sophal, the president of FNN, facilitated the meeting. The meeting agenda focused on a review of the activities of farmer organizations in all 7 districts and how to strengthen the district structure. The meeting discussed also the activities to promote the System of Rice Intensification in the wet season 2010, including experimentation with raised beds and zero-tillage techniques.
The current structure of the FNN in Kampot province consists of 132 village-based farmer associations and 8800 individual farmer members. The associations are able to mobilize around 1600 million riel of saving capital for lending to their members.

FNN-provincial-network-meeting-to-strengthen-the-district-structure.pdf (226 downloads)

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