With technical and financial support from Bread for the World (Bfdw), the Farmer and Nature Net FNN) of Sithor Kandal district on December 25, 2014, organized a Development
PREY VENG PROVINCE: Two farmer-to-farmer exchange visits were made for representatives of farmer cooperatives from four target districts, which included Prey Kabas, Tramkak, Samrong and Bati, of Takeo
In order to strengthen and enhance capacity of staff members, FNN organized a reflection meeting with Dr. Yang Saing Koma, CEDAC’s president/FNN’s advisor, on February 7th, 2015, from
MONDULKIRI: A reflection workshop and retreat of FNN’s Board of Directors (BOD) and secretariat staff has been organized at Mekong74 guesthouse in Senmonorom city, Mondulkiri province, from January
On Tuesday February 10th, 2015, FNN's member, Russey Sanh Sambophal Cooperative of Sithor Kandal district network, Prey Veng province, held its annual GA at its cooperative hall, where
PREY VENG PROVINCE: With support from Bread for the World (Bfdw), FNN network of Kanh Chreach district organized a Development Dialogue on February 23, 2015, at a resident
Laos farmers learn best practices in organization development, organic marketing, savings groups, rice mill and organic production from Cambodian farmers. The Laos Farmers Network won the Knowledge Management